4KLIKE V2 helps you to find the list of movies that are showing in cinema, new release opening or upcoming new movies that will be in cinema soon. Movie info like synopsis, casts, movie trailer.
4KLIKE V2 is an application that allows you to discover fantastic cinema movies, documentaries and TV shows with minimal effort.
Our 4KLIKE V2(Cinema HD app) updates automatically based on a movie API, so you'll never run out of entertainment. you will always find new online movie reviews, movie ratings and trailers for unlimited free movie recommendations.
Ever have the problem of finding the best top movies? but from now on, let's guide you to discover everything you need about your favorite movies online? do we have more than movies for you?.
○ No registration to use this app, watch free movies online.
○ HD video quality with clear sound and many other advantages.
○ Play now, list of popular and top rated movies
○ Search movies by name, genre or release year
○ Many categories
○ Get a recommended HD movie
○ Get movies of any particular actor
○ Add movies to your favorites list
○ Easy to use interface
○ Quality option
○ Popular movies
○ Super fast search (Smart Search)
○ Fast streaming
○ Subtitle Caption
○ Material Design (UI)
○ Attractive interface
○ Add to favorites
○ Show history